MiniCalc 2.0 ReadMeOverviewMiniCalc is a small Newton calculator that allows you to do calculations while you work in your Notepad and other Newton applications.MiniCalc offers several distinct features:- MiniCalc floats on top of all applications and is always available to do calculations.- MiniCalc is small enough that it can be used without interfering with your work. - You can drag and drop the answer directly into whatever application your are working in or to the Newton's clipboard areas. - MiniCalc can also be miniaturized into a small foating button that can be dragged anywhere on your screen. When you tap it the calculator instantly appears in the last place you left it. - It uses less than 2k of your heap memory when open.This Newton app works on all Newton models including the Newton Classic, 100,110,120 and Marco. You should install MiniCalc in your internal memory so it is always available and so you don't have to close MiniCalc before ejecting a card. MiniCalc is distributed as begware. I'm begging you on behalf of all Newton shareware developers to send in your fees. Shareware developers will continue to improve software as well as develop new software only if it is worth the time and energy. Most developers, like myself, really want the Newton to suceed and we are not writing this software only for money. But support from the Newton community will encourage developers and reward them for bringing affordable software to the Newton. SEND IN YOUR BEGWARE FEESTo all those that have already sent in their begware fees for MiniCalc 1.0 this update was written for you. Enjoy and thanks for your support.Begware fee is only $10 to:Greg MossRoute 5 Box 374Murphysboro, IL 62966618-687-2005Warnings:MiniCalc is distributed as is with no warranties expressed or implied. In no way can I or anyone else be held responsible for anything unwanted resulting from the use or misuse of MiniCalc. If you have any problems or suggestions you can send e-mail to:NewtDev@AOL.COM