CheckPlease!Figures out how much money to leave as a tip at the restaurant.Version 1.0Written by Allan Hoeltje on September 3, 1993 using NTK 1.0b4. It's just a simple check calculator but it can be handy in real situations. I have included the source project so feel free to cut and paste if you find the code to your liking. I have tested it extensively so it should be as stable as any Newton App you will find on the market. ;-)Let me know what you think. Better yet, send me your latest Newton App!Allan Hoeltje Boulder, Colorado USA Compuserve 70444,266Version 2.0Modified by Hardy Macia on Feburary 22, 1995 using NTK 1.01. I've added a simple enhancement to Allan's version 1.0 of CheckPlease. Version 2.0 of CheckPlease can post the split check amount to PocketMoney or other PM-FPS compliant program. The source is still included and all of Allan's conditions still apply. CheckPlease works best with PocketMoney 1.4 or greater, but it does work with version 1.3x versions of PocketMoney.I have change the package signature for CheckPlease to my own ("VtHick"), but I tried keeping as much as the original CheckPlease program as I could. Version 2.0 also saves the Tip and Tax rates and should work display correctly on newer MessagePads.Version 3.0Modified by Hardy Macia on November 25, 1995 to add support for Newton OS 2.0.Contact Info:Hardy MaciaCatamount SoftwarePO Box 8276Essex VT 05451 USA(802) 863-5256email- info@catamount.comURL -